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Neptune is so weak that the observation can't be done without a telescope. Astronomers didn't discover Neptune by accident, they calculated his position in the sky first. It happened in 1846.

In Neptune's atmosphere the winds blow at hardly imaginable speed of 2000 kilometers per hour. The massive storms appear in the form of dark spots, and fine whitish clouds can be visible now and then.

Neptune, like Uranus, is called an ice giant. Under an atmosphere of hydrogen in admixture with helium, the sheath liquid from molecular hydrogen is located. Deeper a layer called. "Icy material" can be found. This designation is a bit confusing. In this case, the astronomers refer the ice to simple chemical compounds (eg, ammonia and methane) that are inside Uranus and Neptune under enormous pressure, and thus liquid and heated to a high temperature. The deepest layer of Neptune is a liquid and very hot iron-stone core.

Neptune is bearing a set of dark and inconspicuous rings and more than ten moons are orbiting around the planet.