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**Chernozems** (= „black earth“) are grassy soils enriched by humus used mainly for crop production and livestock breeding. It can be recognized by an extensive amount of humus (reaching 2 metres) and presence of calcium ions in the soil particles. They are formed in zones with seasonal rainfall.

**Podzolic soils** are the typical soils of coniferous forests in boreal areas. They are charactrized by a mobilization and precipitation of dissolved organic matter, together with aluminum and iron as they leach down from the A and E horizons to the B horizon.

**Brown soil** occurs in areas where deciduous forests accumulate an excess amount of plant material ready to decay. Temperatures flowing around zero for less than 3 months and the peeks seldom exceeding 21 degrees allow the microorganisms to survive in this soil type. Availability of humus is significant.