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Carbon and its Modifications



**Symbol:** C

**Atomic number:** 6

**International title:** Carbon

**Relative Atomic Weight:** 12,011

**Information:** Carbon is a non-metal and is the cornerstone of all organic compounds. It is capable of forming multiple chains of carbon atoms that are linked by a single (C-C), a double (C = C) or a triple bond (C≡C). In all organic compounds, it is quadruple. In nature, it occurs in two allotropic modifications in the form of diamond and graphite. Other forms of carbon (e.g. fullerenes, carbon black, coke, activated carbon) have been prepared.

**Use:** Graphite is used to make pencils, electrodes, crucibles for metallurgy, lubricants and pigments. Diamond is the most precious gemstone when cut shaped like a diamond it is used in jewellery. Another use of diamond is in the industry (for hard materials). Carbon black is used as a tire filler. Coke is used for the production of iron in blast furnaces. Active carbon is used as a filter in protective masks (poisoning of poisonous substances).

**Occurrence:** Carbon is found free and bounded in compounds. Free; it is mainly found in the form of graphite and diamond minerals. Bounded it's found in all organic compounds, in oil, natural gas, coal and in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. It is also found bound in the form of carbonates in a variety of minerals and rocks (calcite CaCO₃, Magnesium MgCO₃). It is an important biogenic element.