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Fluorine and Fluorine Molecule



**Symbol:** F

**Atomic number:** 9

**International title:** fluorum

**General formula:** F₂

**Relative Atomic Weight:** 18,998

**Information:** Fluorine is a highly reactive, toxic, greenish-yellow gas with an irritating odour. Fluorine, like other halogens, forms two-atom molecules F₂ with a simple bond between them. Fluorine has the highest electronegativity and is therefore a very strong oxidizing agent. The compounds only exist in the form of the fluoride anion F⁻. These are typical non-metal compounds.

**Use:** It is used as a raw material in the chemical industry (i.e. Teflon plastic production). It is also used in the manufacturing of toothpastes.

**Occurrence:** On Earth, fluorine occurs in the form of fluoride (F⁻). The most important fluorine minerals are fluorite CaF₂, cryolite Na₃. AlF₆ and fluoroapatite Ca₅(PO₄)₃(F, Cl). Fluorine is a biogenic element (trace element).