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The Eurasian Lynx is the largest of the lynx species and the area of its presence extends from Western Europe to Russia in the East and to the Central Asia in the South.

Eurasian Lynxes have mostly but not strictly crepuscular activity, which means that they are the most active searching for a prey around dawn and dusk.

Their diet consist mostly of mammalian herbivores, like hares, roe deers or red deers. Eurasian Lynx is able to kill prey way larger and heavier than itself, which it later hides at a safe place and returns to feed on it for several days.

Even though adult lynxes live solitary, the territories of individuals could overlap and the communication takes place through scent marking at specific spots common for animals from overlaping territories.

Cubs are born during the spring or early summer and they keep following mother also after the weaning till they are able to hunt independently.