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Mediterranean Starry Ray



Distribution: Mediterranean Sea

Length: 70 cm

Life Span: 10 years

Diet: Carnivorous

Social life: Solitary

IUCN red list status: Near threatened

Starry Rays are flat-bodied, cartilaginous fish found predominantly on continental shelves between shallow waters and 150m of depth. They prefer muddy and sandy bottoms. The mouth and gills are located on underside of the body and some of them contain weak electrical organs within their tails. They feed on all kinds of small benthic animals. Mating occurs during spring and the female lays numerous eggs per clutch which are encapsulated in leathery cases. There can be about 30 to more than 100 egg-cases per year. Juveniles move quickly into shallow waters from 5-7 m depth soon after birth and then move into deeper waters progressively as they grow. Their population is decreasing mainly because of fishing nets.

## Keywords
starry ray, cartilaginous fish , chondrichthyan , chondrichthian