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Distribution: North America, some of Europe and Asia

Size Length: 8–10 mm

Eggs per Season: 300–800

Lifespan: 2–12 months

Diet: Herbivore

IUCN red list status: No status

Potato beetle, also known as Colorado beetle or potato bug, is an oval shape insect with short antennae. It has yellow/orange body that reaches up to 10 mm long and five brown stripes along the length of each elytron (protective wing-cases). On the thorax there is a pattern of black spots.

The potato beetle is a major pest affecting potato, tomato, tobacco and other Solanum plants crops. They feed manly on leaves causing significant damage. In addition to high feeding rates, they have been developing resistance to almost every chemical used and adult females lay up to 800 eggs per season.

For mating, female adults produce a pheromone to attract males. Both sexes mate with multiple individuals during adult life. They have almost no parental investment in the offspring besides laying the eggs (females).