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Cicadas belong to very conspicuous species of insects. Their almost deafening call is inextricably linked to warm days worldwide. Cicadas belong to the most vocal insects species. The sound is produced by males only and is serves as their quality measure because by it they attract females. Males have a special apparatus for sound production. It resembles a drum and is located on both sides of the abdomen. Some species of cicadas can grow quite large and can become pests. Adults suck plant sap, mainly of trees and shrubs. Cicadas have specialized proboscis for sucking that is located under the thorax and can be several centimeters long. Larvae spend their entire life underground where they feed on the sap in a similar way as adults do. They have very powerful fossorial legs to be able to dig. They can spend several years underground, and they emerge only right before the metamorphosis into an adult.